
Are you being ripped off by a heating and air conditioning company? To help you detect signs of fraud before it's too late, the heating repair contractors at Service Air Eastern Shore in Fairhope and Gulf Shores, AL, recommend researching HVAC companies before hiring them. You should also always get a second opinion before scheduling any expensive type of repair or service.

To save money, protect your property, and avoid lawsuits, look out for these furnace maintenance tips to avoid, brought to you by the heating repair experts at Service Air Eastern Shore:

  • You Need The Most Expensive Furnace On The Market: Whether you're experiencing problems with your furnace or not, your heating and air conditioning system doesn't have to be the priciest system around in order to efficiently heat your home. Sometimes, heating repair services will lie about the condition of your furnace in order to get you to buy a new one for a higher price.
  • Your Current Furnace Isn't Big Enough For Your Home: Another heating and air conditioning myth frequently used on misinformed property owners is that your current furnace isn't large enough to heat your living space. While this can sometimes be true, this is also an easy way for a heating repair company to pocket a lump sum of money for a service that you don't really even need.
  • You Should Spend A Lot Of Money On Your Furnace: If you don't know how often to service your heating and air conditioning system, call on the experts at Service Air Eastern Shore. They'll be honest about your needs and schedule a regular maintenance plan. Be careful, though—while these heating repair technicians can fix problems the first time they visit, other companies may insist on returning time and time again, all at your expense.

To learn more helpful heating repair tips, or to schedule an appointment, call Service Air Eastern Shore at (251) 990-8060 today. For additional HVAC troubleshooting assistance and to find more information about the best heating and air conditioning service in Baldwin County, visit them online.
