
Every parent should understand how important it is for their children to have their teeth properly brushed on a daily basis. But excellent oral care and developing healthy dental habits go beyond daily brushing. Kemper Pond Dental, a family dentistry center in Cincinnati, OH, that offers everything from tooth whitening to cavity fillings, is here to remind parents of the importance of strong oral health habits.

When children understand how crucial good dental habits are at a young age, it will be easier for those habits to stick and for your children to be self-motivated enough to take care of their teeth through adolescence. Kemper Pond Dental recommends that parents start instilling these vital dental habits in children as soon as they are old enough to brush their teeth. It is also a good time to provide the kids with basic dental health education and answer any questions they have as to why dental care is so important. 

Aside from brushing teeth, parents should remind their kids how pivotal other dental health habits are. When the kids are old enough to begin brushing, they are also old enough to begin flossing. Kemper Pond Dental is more than happy to discuss the importance of daily flossing with the young ones at their next dental checkup.

To schedule a routine dental exam with a dentist at Kemper Pond Dental, call (513) 531-4069. For more information on all of the dental services offered there, visit their website, and follow them on Facebook today.
